The Granny Stripe saga continues. Again, I have never worked for so long on one project, goodness me. One big hold-up was that I had put a row of peach on it, and the more I worked on that peach, the more I didn't want to. It just didn't work for me, didn't flow. So finally, just a few stitches from the end of that color, I couldn't stand it anymore and frogged it. Now I'm adding a soft pink, and think that once I am done with the pink, I will add the medium blue edge-of-the-edge border. I might be almost done! Yay! And yes, this blanket will be beautiful.
I start a new job later today. The old one, well, that's a really long story, full of tension and discord, but thank the Lord, it's over. God provided, though, and before I knew what was happening, I got a call with a job offer. Ain't God good. Providing before we know the need is there. Awesome. So it's an exciting time, I'm anxious to see how the new place is today. I have heard only good things about it. I think I'm most anxious to know what my new schedule will be, and when I'll be working. I had kind of thought about going to see my two oldest sons this weekend, but we'll see if I'm off first. I can go see them any time, really.
Anyway, y'all have a great day, and a wonderful weekend!